Research Interests

My current research explores phenomenological accounts of experience and agency through a transdisciplinary lens, integrating the practice of dance with philosophy, cognitive science, social psychology, and movement-oriented scholarship. I use dance in (social) relational and ecological dimensions to deeper understand cognition as/through movement. I focus on what happens from a lived experiential perspective when we move together, embedded in and reflecting our cultural context, while shaping and being shaped by our environment.


“Staging Affectivity Through Expressive Dance Movement: The 60+ Community Dance Program at Copenhagen’s Dansekapellet.” 

Journal of Dance Education, Special Edition on Dance and 4E Cognition, 2021

“‘I’m not thinking about it to understand it, I’m thinking about it to do it’: Students' Sensemaking Experiences from the Modern Dance Classroom.” 

Journal of Dance Education, 2021

Matthew Henley and Robin Conrad

Let’s Go! Across the Floor!: Affective Practice at The Sweat Spot.”

Dance Research Journal, revised and resubmitted.